A conceptual campaign for Nestle's product "Pure Life" celebrating the World Water Day 2015. The aim of the campaign is to increase the public awareness about diminishing fresh water levels on the planet.

Brief: Create a conceptual campaign for Nestle's product "Pure Life" celebrating the World Water Day 2015. The aim of the campaign is to increase the public awareness about diminishing fresh water levels on the planet. Message: 3% of earth's water is fresh water. Solution: Pure Life water bottle is used as a medium to deliver the message. A pie chart showing the statistic is printed on transparent plastic sheet while the "3% slice" is cut out of the pie chart making a gap in it. The die-cut of the pie chart stuck to the bottle's mouth allowing the water coming out through its gap. By opening the bottle the user will read the message directly and will interact with it by pouring the water out of the gap. The die-cut is designed to be removed easily and kept by the user.