1- A tap is most commonly used to freely access water as, and when required.
2- A bottle has a cap that requires turning to access water, similar to a tap that needs turning on.
3- A coin represents money and value.

This project is a submission for the RSA competition (Valuing Water) 2013. The Brief: Design a mean of better communicating and/or revealing the inherent value of water so that people improve their understanding ofwater as a limited natural resource and a commodity. The Solution: I have made a connection between these three objects because.. 1- A tap is most commonly used to freely access water as, and when required. 2- A bottle has a cap that requires turning to access water, similar to a tap that needs turning on. 3- A coin represents money and value. My concept is for a piece of ambient media to be positioned in public conveniences with the theme being continued on a bottle of water. A coin would be required to activate a mechanism that rotates the tap or cap to access water. A sticker would be placed near the tap and a label on the bottle would direct the user and enforce the message, ‘If you waste water today, in the future you may have to pay’.